Benefits of Becoming a Member

  • A voice in the state Legislature, working to pass laws and regulations that positively impact your profession, your practice, and your patients. 
  • Personal, practical support and educational resources needed to succeed in the day-to-day practice of medicine, including timely updates and publications about important health care issues. 
  • Physician-centered member benefits including insurance products (both professional and personal), banking, practice support, and legal services. 
  • A statewide community of over 4,000 Arkansas physicians including over 1,000 residents and medical students from all three of Arkansas’ medical schools.

Membership Types and Annual Dues

AMS Membership CategoriesAnnual Dues
First Year in Practice in Arkansas$100
Active Member$400
Retired Member*$200
Associate or Affiliate Member**$200
Student/ResidentFee Waived

*Retired Member: This is for fully retired members who have not been a consistent member of the Society during all their years of practice in Arkansas. If you are fully retired and have been an AMS member for 10+ years, please contact the AMS office regarding exempt from dues status.

**Associate Member: If you are a full member of a joining state’s medical society. Affiliate Member: If you are in full-time military service.