Arkansas Psychiatric Society
What We Do
As a cornerstone for the state’s psychiatric community, the Arkansas Psychiatric Society provides essential services to its members. From influential legislative advocacy and enriching annual conferences to a wealth of CME opportunities and vital resources, the society is committed to propelling the field of psychiatry forward. Join the society in shaping mental health policies, expanding knowledge, and fostering professional growth. Together with its members, the society elevates psychiatric practice, ensuring a brighter future for all Arkansans.

Legislative Advocacy
The Arkansas Psychiatric Society passionately advocates for its members and the broader psychiatric community through dedicated legislative efforts. By engaging with policymakers and stakeholders, the society ensures that the voices of psychiatrists across Arkansas are heard. Through strategic initiatives and informed advocacy, they work to shape mental health policies that prioritize the well-being of both professionals and the populations they serve.

Annual Conference
The Annual Conference brings together experts, innovators, peers, and exhibitors from the field of psychiatry. Including opportunities to fulfill CME requirements, the annual conference provides cutting-edge insights, collaborative discussions, and networking opportunities that enrich your practice and contribute to the advancement of mental health care in Arkansas. arkansas psychiatric society Psychiatric Society in Arkansas Psychiatry in Arkansas
Memberships & Resources
Becoming a member of the Arkansas Psychiatric Society’s vibrant community opens the door to a multitude of benefits. Receive curated newsletters to stay updated, exclusive event invitations to connect with fellow professionals, and access valuable resources for your practice. Elevate your expertise with Continuing Medical Education (CME) opportunities that keep you at the forefront of psychiatric advancements. Join us in shaping the future of mental health care while enriching your own professional journey.