Enhancements to Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS)
After receiving a number of calls about concerns regarding the new Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) portal, AMS recently met with representatives of DXC, DHS and AFMC to discuss the complaints. Those complaints include lack of eligibility information, PCP assignment and remittance advice information. Below are the enhancements that DXC is proposing to the state to add to the eligibility verification:
- Expand Benefit Details – dates of last exams for EPSDT, dental and vision services, number of physician visits used for state fiscal year
- Add Aid Category
- Expand Limit Details – Lifetime limits such as appendectomy or hysterectomy; dollar amounts for labs
- Add Copay Amounts by Service Type
- Default PCP to the top before NET transportation provider; add a start and end date and list most current PCP first
- Add notification if no PCP is indicated that says “PCP Not Required” or “PCP required – None Assigned”
- Search criteria should be a combination of the following for member ID – Member Name (first name, middle initial, last name), Social Security number, Medicaid ID number, DOB
All of these issues have either been addressed with new enhancements or are in the process of being enhanced. Please advise your office to continue to watch for updates and current information here. If you have any questions or other concerns with the MMIS system, please email Billie Jean Davenport or by phone at 501-224-8967.